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lookitsgrim · 1 month ago
I would send you a specific backstory ask, but I know you are saving up lots of backstory to dripfeed in when it's dramatically appropriate.
So... what's a piece of backstory that you can share that *isn't* going to be revealed later in an important-to-the-plot way but that you think is interesting/fun or you're happy to ramble about?
hello!! i had a whole answer written for this post with a bunch of tidbits of backstory for Martha, who i’m going to introduce in the next chapter but for some reason i refreshed the mobile app and the draft deleted itself so you get random facts about the new characters i’m introducing in chapter five instead :3
(under the cut because i really know how to ramble when i’m slightly tipsy and it’s 1am) (yes i’m aware that it’s monday/technically tuesday now)
I don’t think this is going to be a surprise to anyone but SURPRISE! Martha’s a vampire, has been for hundreds of years. She’s about 324 when she’s first introduced and was transformed in 1717 when she was 27 years old. She can stand to be in the sun for short periods of time with little damage or pain but is decently paranoid after she saw several vampires who couldn’t turn to dust in the 1800s. I don’t have set rules for vampires in this fic i just need her to be able to leave the house during the day in the future and this seemed like the best option.
She also used to take care of a lot of other more supernatural creatures before 1990, but has slowed down after getting married and taking care of her nephew (JJ). There is still the occasional guest in the townhouse though. The current guest (I call him ‘blonde guy’ to avoid saying his name but wow try and guess who it is i literally could not be more obvious at any point in time) is not a supernatural creature but instead a long-time friend of her husband Stephen. The pair met when they were 21/22ish and blonde guy was working as/studying to be a mortuary assistant and Stephen was starting his prep for medical school. Blonde guy and Martha were pretty skeptical of each other at first but get along great now, and she’s happy to let him stay as long as he needs while he’s in New York.
Blonde guys reasoning for being in NYC is pretty plot relevant but also not really?? he’s gonna leave and come back a couple of times but he has a temporary job as a psychologist at metro-general hospital near hell’s kitchen. idk where metro gen actually is in the cannon i really need to rewatch the show again so for now let’s pretend it’s just outside hell’s kitchen.
Stephen doesn’t really become plot relevant until the point in time when i reach the defenders/ddS3 arc of the fic but he’ll have his time in the sun before then it’s okay he’s well taken care of (just kidding he never sleeps and is usually late for work).
Atlas is my darling boy and i love him very much. He’s an intern under Stephen at Metro-gen, hoping to be a surgeon, but it depends what he enjoys most. So far it’s general surgery because he’s made friends with an aspiring anaesthesiologist and he’s convinced they’ll work together amazingly well (spoiler alert they do i love you tabitha). At this point in time he’s only a few months into his internship and 25 years old. Martha and Stephen invited him to live with them and JJ after there was a black mould outbreak in his apartment building, and now he drives stephen and himself to work in the mornings, and sometimes JJ to school if the weathers bad and he’s not working too early in the morning.
Most of this probably only makes sense to me right now but that’s okay it will in the future
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rjalker · 1 year ago
[ID. A photo of a flying heron, which is a large water bird with long legs and a long narrow beak, with blue-grey feathers. Text has been added that reads, "Blue heron pronouns". End ID.]
(for those who can't figure out the joke-- it's a pun on "blue hair and pronouns", which is a stereotype for trans people)
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katzenprinz · 4 months ago
Heya! April-Doodles here, I was wondering if you had any hometowns for the Goslings in mind. I know it’s been mentioned that Jones is from Alaska, so that got me wondering about everyone else. Do they have accents from their hometowns, and would specific Goslings cover up their accent or proudly speak in accent-lingo no one else understands? I think it would be cute to know little quirks that the Goslings have because of where they were raised.
I have my own silly guesses (would they be headcanons at this point?) as to where I would put the Goslings, but I also think I just thought about Massachusetts/Heavy Boston accent Mosson one day and giggled very hard over it, which is in the sketch vault, but I digress—I would love an author-canonical answer for my silly questions!
Hello!! This is something Gabe and I have had established for a while but we haven’t had the chance to reveal all of their home states yet. We don’t have any soecific towns/cities in mind necessarily, except for Jason being from Gentry, Arkansas. But~
Palmer is a SoCal boy. I personally headcanon him living and growing up in San Diego. His parents are immigrants from Mexico. He is bilingual and speaks Spanish as well as English. We’ve touched a little on his accent in Say Nothing and how he’s slowly letting it come through more and more, but used to hide it.
Elliott is from Colorado, like Kim! We figure he’s probably a city kid, but haven’t delved too deep into his life outside of being a soldier. He’d have a pretty standard American accent.
Mosson is from upstate New York, on the Eastern side. He’s roamed all over New England and parts of Canada and is a big outdoors guy. Doesn’t talk like a stereotypical New Yorker, but he can do an incredible impression of that accent.
And Jones is, of course, from Alaska, which we’ve revealed in the fic.
Nick wears a Chicago shirt in the game so we assume that’s where he is from, while we headcanon that Rachel and Eric are both from New York state. Eric would’ve grown up around the Catskills and Rachel across the state in Buffalo.
Rana would have an accent similar to Salim’s. We haven’t decided exactly where in Iraq she is from, but since she is a well-known archaeologist, she travels often anyway. She is from one of the more traditional cities of Iraq, however, which is why she wears hijab.
Sun-Hi is from Colorado, as mentioned before. She is also bilingual, Korean being her first language, but when she speaks English she has a standard American accent.
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pokemon-ash-aus · 24 days ago
Do you have any fun facts about some of the Mews and some of the Mewtwo’s?
Hmmm fun facts that i haven't shared before?
Mew and Twos can be subject to "Shadowfication" but it is entirely different from Shadow Pokemon.
This is the caused by a darkening of their fur due to negative associations, and in Canon is referred to as a "Hazed Pokemon"
This case is actually what King goes through before he is turned into a Shadow Pokemon, hence why the darkening of his fur is more permanent and way darker than others. It's also why none of the mews refer to him as a Shade Fur and they call him a False Dark Fur. It's 2 seperate phenomenons that coincide.
Seeing a Hazed Pokemon also means that they are most likely under the trained move Frustration. Although, Trainer owned pokemon are specifically upkept a certain way to make sure they don't ever look like Hazed Pokemon, cause it can revoke liscenses. Which is why they have "Friendship" meters! A Zero is the lowest they can go before the Haze takes affect.
Fun Fact about
Indigo: He loves Horror Movies and Games, can't get enough if them in his opinion. When he get's startled, he perkd up and then right back down. Barely a scream.
But he's also a wuss outside of the horror genre. He's not actually the bravest, but horror movies just dont bother him too much.
Peach: She doesn't want to be a trainer like her brothers, being lab raised makes her wary towards raising other pokemon. Even though she knows she could raise them better, the fear of being the same freaks her out.
The only time she travels is during Unova. Halfway into the trip because Indigo is begging her to join. She's not sure how to feel about the land of her upbringing however.
Ash: He's quick to learn and quicker to put into practice, but because of this, remembering very soecific details is so much harder. He'll know he saw a Pokemon, but the name will slip his mind. This gets better as he geta older, but not so much.
Pepper: Has little emotional regulation. Despite what she sounds and looks like, she's easy to hang along with, but catch her in a bad mood and you'll find that it's hard for her to cobtrol her anger and sadness. She depends on trusted ones to help reign her back, but even that is a chore.
Because of this, she really tries to not let things affect her as much, and tries to find ways to regulate without others around. Although, she refuses to seek out actual help with this because it "defeats" the purpose of doing things herself.
King: Has attachment issues, because of this, he doesn't make nice with creatures that have lower lifespans in an attempt to curve the worst of it.
Because of this, King will never get a Magikarp companion despite it being his favorite Pokemon.
Berry: After Recovering, they've found themselves dipping under water a lot more than normal. She has no fondness for water creatures in particular but being underwater for long periods of times seems to soothe them.
Because of this, she takes her favorite species of pokemon (Elektrikes and Manectrics) into Ponds to help them learn the ways of swimming and holding their breaths. After thousands of years, They incidentally push the species to develop a second typing.
Spot: One of the few Mews that travels all around the world in an attempt to find their place. Despite being a lot more cobfident, she's not exactly the one to sit still for very long. After breaking off from their codependency with Berry, she's not really sure where she belongs.
She becomes nomadic because of this and adopts a flock of flying types. They are *very* proud to come and show off her flock to her siblings whenever she reaches their clouded portions. Even down to the chicks she named after them. Proudly showing off an Alpha Pidgey and a Shiny Ducklett that she named King Jr. And Berry Jr.
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erissdoesart · 4 months ago
On my needs begging you to expand on the godhood and religion of the No Venom universe
Hey anonim asker. Do you feel well marinated? Did you wait a while? (I forgor to finish it up for two weeks lmao)
Godhood in No Venom is based loosely on my og story religion! Therefore it's bit beefier and under the cut :D
Also, warning, this post got SO CHAOTIC. Read on your own risk
Okay before anyone judges, I was lazy and drew the symbols with my notes app, with finger haha
Divinity in No Venom belongs to a handful of entities who create a very moody pantheon. The strength they possess is determined by their following and by the country they're tied up with (except Mumza but her whole deal is spoiler reasons so for now shhh)
each god "belongs" to a country- Kristin, Lady Death, belongs to the Antartic Empire
XD belongs to Essempi
Prime Belongs to Lmanburg
Golden Totem belongs to Las Nevadas
And Time Lord, who is temporarily inactive belonged to Kinoko
Why is it important? Gods are tied to the dealings between countries. This means that the bigger the country, the better fun they can have BUT also can be very dangerous to them if said country stops existing
Kinoko and Time Lord are current examples. Because Kinoko is not their own country but merely a province to the Empire, Time Lord is currently inactive- somewhere between a coma and falling from godhood temporarily
In og story, after Kinoko gained a status of the independent Kingdom, Time Lord was reawakened and pretty happy with the turn of the events
But both Totem and Prime got struck into coma instead (Las Nevadas was overtaken by Essempi and Lmanburg became Empire's province)
Mumza controls everyone, and would control everyone, regardles if Empire existed or no but she likes the extra boost of power
Each country has its own god and their religion is centered around said god- to the point where its NOT ALLOWED to have temples of another god in your country.
You can have shrines and leave offerings in the general temple but you cannot outshine the god of your country by a temple of another god!
Domains of the gods!
Lady Death deals with souls of the dead, rebirth, [spoilers] and [MEGA SPOILERS]. She's a patron of crows, avian hybrids, cats, phantom hybrids and enderman hybrids
XD is a god of domination, connection and magic, more soecifically magic creation. He's a patron of oxes, horses, bovine hybrids and sheep hybrids.
Golden Totem is a god of greed, drive, ambition and shares dominion with Prime over riches. He is a patron of scarabs, ants, sharks, cat hybrids, bug hybrids and structure hybrids (for example, totem hybrids- anything thats not animal hybrid)
Prime is a goddess of chance, trickery, good fortune, riches and astrology. She is a patron of foxes, snakes, deer, snake hybrids, nether hybrids and humans
Time Lord is a god of time, dreams, stories and phophecies. They are patron to slime hybrids, creeper hybrids, moths, sheep and rats
Each god "holds" onto the dead of their country for a bit before they are forced to give them up to Lady Death who holds them and later repurposes their souls for new lives or [VERY LOUD SOUNDS OF SPOILERS]
Also, fun fact for the fic, Lmanburg cannot grieve. Its not allowed to grieve in a normal manner.
Their whole deal is seeking chances and happiness and good fortune. They do not show their grief outside and people generally dont say stuff like "im sorry for your loss", they say "Let them dance with Prime and Prime repay you" :3
Each god has 2 holy symbols as well
For Lady Death it's the classic angry hardcore heart
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And a cheaper version for the masses, three shards- those are usually used in the temples as chimes
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XD has the eye of ender (sometimes swapped with ender eye)
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And cheaper, an x scratched onto any item that is dear to the person (Knight Dream has tiny x scratched onto his mask for example)
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Totems symbol is a golden pyramid
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and, the budget version is any coin attached to a chain!
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Prime, as a goddess who is said was born of stars, has a star with divots made. Idk how to explain, basically this star:
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cheap version is this pentagon because if you pushed the sides so they curved, you would basically get the star
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And lastly, Time Lord has an hourglass. To show if you will have good or bad time or what period of your life you are, you flip it so the sand inside flows down or keep it down (dripping sand=good, still sand=bad. People would get concerned and will attempt to flip someones hourglass if they notice it still)
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And "cheaper" version is tree symbol. Thankfully, it can just be a little bit of a branch but some people are really nitpicky about it
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littlemissshifter · 1 month ago
hey so I’ve been noticing litterally EVERY TIME I DONT wanna be cslled on by my teacher (she picks name sticks cause nobody wants to say the answers and my class is stupid😭) I START FREAKING OUT CAUESE I DONT WANNA GET CALLED ON (I had the answers except for the last one) AND I IMAGINED ME GETTING CALLED ON AND I WAS LIKE NONONONO ND A PART OF ME SAID IT WAS DEFINITELY GONNA HAPPEM AND THEN GUESS WHAT. I get called on. For the last one. AND THIS HAS HAPPENED SO MANY TIMES ITS NOT FUNNY ITS ALWAYS SOECIFICALLY THE ONE I DONT HAVE THE ANSWER TO? Sorry for yapping but my point is, if I just did this, but with my desires it would work the same right? :)
hii lol I feel for you😭
If this has happened so many times then it's most probably an assumption for you now!
In a way this seems like your inner knowing (or intuition in some cases) but it is entirely changeable.
And yes this can also work for your desires, if you feel called out to them and you don't know what to believe in cause doubts are crazy sometimes then go with this knowing!
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urapunk · 5 months ago
Im so neglectful of these little ahits guys,,,,, i hate them and love them more,,,,,,😔😔 gonna save myself time and but two posts into one but i dont think i properly explained personality for noemi and bruna.
Noemi is a little shit. A fucker, if you will, after the breakup with juri she's mean and bitter,, unless youre mandy or any of the other girls. shes a men hater now, i guess.
and though, she'll try to be respectful and atleast sort of sweet, the smallest things coukd be eye twitching type of annoying. she'll point it out rather quick,,,,, earnest had just stopped talking around her overall.
Unless you're sweet to her she wont be sweet to you, but shes much in need for something good in her life. even though she'd cry if you accidentally got her a soecific kind of chocolates, she'd still appreciate it.
Mr President she hit the cuntagon. Sigh, how i love her,,,,,,, shes a brat though, and not to mention a DICK. 🫶 but thats only when you're annoying, a nerd, or weird... Shes mandy's second in command for a reason.
shes confusing to explain, because she'll be super sweet when you first meet her but the longer she knows you and starts to pluck out the qualities you might have that she doesnt like, thats when she starts getting bratty.
And then again, if youre super sweet to her she thinks she has no reason to be bratty with you. Unless, as mentioned before youre just not socially up there. im not saying you can buy her friendship, because most people dont, but you also can totally buy her friendship
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shipperofunderratedships · 1 year ago
You shared your headcannons about johnny and kenshi, and while thats great, i wish you also did some for tanya and mileena, since theyre actually cannon (i hope this doesnt come off as rude but they are less popular somehow)
Hi there!! This is a very good request so i dont mind. Also dont worry, it doesnt come across as rude at all.
I dont have headcannons specifically but more like an imagining for how their relationship went. Also- this may not fit with the cannon since these are my thoughts :D
I imagine Tanya as the oldest sister among 5 or 6. I imagine her going into training as soon as she can walk- and being angry about it, which only makes her seem stronger. Why dont her sisters have to train? Why is she here? To protect the future empress? She never even met her. Shes living her life in training for a stranger- a possibility, of a kingdom to thrive. It isnt fair.
She still doesnt understand as the years go by, even if she only gets stronger- more resilient. But for what, she cant even know yet. All she heard were stories about Sindels daughters- mostly praise about Kitana. But what about Mileena, the actual future empress? Her hatred grows into curiosity.
Then she sees her for the first time- and she understands completely.
Its in her rough but quick fighting style- in the angry way she buries her enemies beneath her just how Tanya herself was taught to. She clearly cares- and thats all Tanya has ever wanted really- for someone to care about it. Even if she didnt care about her soecifically, this Mileena seemed to care about her role greatly- so Tanya didnt train for nothing.
Li Mei notices the way Tanya lets her guard down for the first time, the curve of her lips when Mileena stands into her victory pose, facing her future bodyguard. It seems like a demonstration from Mileena, to prove herself to her.
Li Mei scolds her to never let her guard down. As their duty wasnt just to protect themselves, but the royal family above all. Protect. Serve. Thats it.
Even if gentle, she puts Tanya back in her place, and even if Tanya knows she has good intentions, she hates her for it.
Jerrod dies, Li Mei takes the fall. Despite it all, Tanya still believes in her. She shuts down any attempt to denigrate her name. She trains twice as hard to fill out a role she never wanted to fill.
She hates her for her failure, but loves her for her honest heart. She hates her for not fighting Sindels accusations, but cant bring herself to throw her out.
She hates her.
She misses her.
The one saving grace in all of this seems to be Mileenas glances and soft words. She never expected the princess to be so…gentle with her. Even if its just words, Tanya knows she means it.
It makes her happy.
It makes her accept her purpose.
Sindel is even more stern then she heard. She tells Tanya to always defend Mileena with her life. To make sure she pushes her to do her absolute best- to make sure she doesnt grow weak enough to be replaced.
But how can Tanya help her, when she herself feels weak every time the Edenian smiles in her direction? She is the last person able to ask her to focus.
What was wrong with her?
They train. They train daily, Mileena always summoning her. Tanya cant help but feel a sense of pride that Mileena asks for her specifically.
One day, she defeats Tanya with an incredible ease, her two sai as sharp as a snakes teeth, her eyes like its venom. And she cant help but sigh at what she sees. She is so beautiful it actually pains her, because while she is only devoted to her princess, she knows its only obligatory on her side.
Mileena asks what she is sighing at, and before she can think, she tells her how beautiful and strong she is.
“Words wont help you get my graces Umgadi.”
But Tanya assures her her heart only sings about her. She even grabs Mileenas hand, and something in the way she assures Mileena of her deserving her empress title makes the Edenian quiet.
She leaves it at that.
She went too far. She went way too far.
Sindel will surely banish her once she hears of this. Mileena hasnt asked her to spar in the last few days. She ruined it.
Why did she ruin it.
Before it was just quick glances, at most a hug. Nothing like this. She was sick.
This went against everything she trained for, everything she believed in.
She decides to take another risky move, to go to the princess herself to apologise for her unusual behaviour. She knocks- no answer. She opens the door, seeing Mileena crumpled in a sheet, splayed across the floor, her eyes bright like fire and mouth strangely contorted. She looked like a monster.
But then why was her first thought to hug her? To hold her with no fear? Who cared what she had?
She needed her.
She needed HER. She said it herself through tears.
Sindel was deeply disappointed. Kitana was scared- but still held on.
But Tanya? She grabbed onto her like no other before. She would not let anyone harm her again.
“Im a monster- please leave me be. I dont want to ruin you. I dont want to infect you.”
Tanya only cradles her even closer to her body. Even if it took a while, Mileena understood she meant her words of devotion towards her.
Maybe she didnt want to be her guard at first. But the way she cries into her shoulder, or smiles at her hugs, or allows herself to sleep next to her… she wants this. She wants Mileena.
And Mileena wants her.
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rewatching-sam-and-dean · 2 years ago
Why this Doesn’t Mean Destiel : Part 1 - Mixed Tape
I may make this a series. I may not. But I’m feeling annoyed by a certain side of fandom, so I’m going to take a look at moments (or things) that are claimed to totally make D and C cannon, and discuss why I disagree. If you like the ship, please just save yourself the annoyance and skip on past this post. If you read this anyway or are not a fan, and have anything to add, I welcome your thoughts.
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First, and I can’t believe I have to say this, a mixed tape is not actually inherently romantic. Friends make mixes for each other all the time, or used to before you could just share playlists or whatever them kids are doing these days. For example, my friends have ripped me CDs because they had better internet, they gave me a mix for my birthday, we went on a road trip and they left me the mix, or just because. I have done many of these things for my friends in return. A missed-tape or CD is simply a way to share songs we like with people we care about, or even an acquaintance. Can it be romantic? Absolutely! Is it inherently so? No.
Why isn’t this particular tape romantic? Check the name: "Dean's Top 13 Zepp Traxx.” This looks, more than anything, like a tape Dean made for himself ("Dean's"). As in, "I really like these particular songs, so I’m going to put them on one tape, so I don’t have to keep changing tapes over on road trips." Also, note the "Zepp Traxx." This looks more to me like something a teenager would write because it looks "cool" than anything else. I mean, a Dean who is pushing 40 might write "Traxx" on a tape — maybe — but it doesn’t seem that likely. So, it’s more than likely this tape was made decades ago, for himself, thus not a romantically intended (or thought out) mixed-tape. There is nothing about the tape itself to indicate it was made for Cass or that it has any special meaning.
Can we be honest here for one minute, people? Can anyone — anyone who has actually watched the whole show rather than cherry picking certain people's scenes — actually picture Dean Winchester, sitting down with an old boom box, lovingly, tenderly loading tapes into one side and recording onto a blank tape in the other side, thinking, "Sigh! These songs are so special to me because they make me think of my crush, Cass!" Or "I’m going to make Cass a tape of the most romantic Zeppelin songs I can to show him I care!"? If you answered "Yes" to that … this is not the blog for you. Also, I doubt that you know who the canon Dean Winchester is, as opposed to the fanon man-shapedr 14-year-old girl version from Tumblr or AO3. Dean doesn’t have time (or inclination) to sit down and make a mixed tape from scratch at this time in the show, especially when, you know, good luck finding a working tape recorder / cassette player / boom box that still works these days. The MOL bunker was frozen in time just a touch before tape cassettes were invented, so I doubt they have one hanging around the place. So, he went and bought something he could make a tape for Cass with? Really? I’m thinking not.
The most likely scenario for Dean giving Castiel a mixed tape? They are in the impala, maybe Sam is there sitting shotgun, maybe he isn’t. Cass starts talking about how he found merit in music Sam liked, or just some random music, and Dean says, "Come on Cass! That music is crap! Here, listen to this. This is the good stuff!" Then he rummages in his box of tapes one-handed, while driving, and tosses one to Cass. "Keep that one. I have a others," Dean adds. Then Cass says, "I’ll treasure it always, Dean!" No I’m kidding. Cass says, "Okay, Dean." He may or may not intend to actually listen to it at some point. After he finds a tape deck, of course.
So, does the mixed tape mean nothing? No, it’s still a nice gesture to give something you made to someone you care about. Do I think Dean put a lot of soecific thought into it, just for Cass? No. I think it’s actually similar to Sam letting Cass hang out in his room (presumable on his bed) watching Netflix on his TV, doing something nice for a friend and sharing media.
Even if Dean had sat sobbing over his mix for hours while he painstakingly crafted it just for Cass, it still wouldn’t equal Destiel. Why? Because Cass clearly didn’t appreciate it since he simply used it as an excuse to enter Dean's room and steal from him. Even if it was intended as an act of love, it was used as a tool for deception and betrayal. Thus, this does not support Destiel, rather it makes a case against it from Cass' POV.
Obviously, I can’t speak to these personally, but my thoughts on their possible thought process behind the mixed tape. First, they needed Cass to return something to Dean so he can get into his room, and it has to be something that was given as a nice gesture to heighten the betrayal. A tape makes sense because it’s not something so huge that it would be automatically given a ton of significance, but it also isn’t totally insignificant either. Second, Dean has a lot of tapes and he loves music, it’s very possible for him to give one to Cass off screen without the audience getting sidetracked and wondering why (how is he going to play it BTW? Go sit alone in one of the cars he’s stolen?). Third, do I think the writers were also throwing destiellers a bone? Probably, but throwing fans a bone does not equal queerbaiting because nothing else in Dean and Cass' relationship points to romance (and Dean is not into guys or Supernatural Beings). Throwing fans a small bone also doesn’t meant it’s leading to a romantic endgame. They do it with Wincest all the time, after all.
Overall, to me the purpose of the mixtape was to show Cass throwing something Dean gave him back in his face, so he could go behind his back for supernatural purposes. Again. If someone wants to read the tape as a romantic gift from Dean (it isn’t), that actually only makes what Cass uses it for worse. Thus, the tape does not support Dean and Cass romance.
And because I have to, this is a mixed tape (CD) with clear intent.
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jewishdainix · 2 years ago
Incoherent 5 am rant incoming I feel like the recent trend of calling classic works bad might have to do with like. Mainly teen rebelian + a lacking education cause when they teach you literature in school and say that something is good they dont teach you the difference between something being good and something being something you liked. So calling those books they make you read and insist you must find good (and by finding something good you think you must enjoy it. Because no one teaches you taht those are two separate things and enjoying thinks that are not good means youre Stupid and Unintelllegent and the like) bad makes a lot more sense, and also is a form of trying to have more independence by developping your own soecifically counter to the thing everyone is practically forcing you to do so you have a bunch of teens and adults who were never tought actuall critical thinking and were just taught "the School and teachers think this is good but I hated it so they must be wrong and I must be the one in the right here" and them hating it is justified because school is annoying and being forced to engage with a book that you dislike (or even a book that you might like but are foeced to read) can be so discouraging. And so those people never leave their trashy comfort zone because what their teacher were teying to teach them critical thinking they actually did the opposite for all the reasons I mentiomed here
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bakedandshipped · 1 year ago
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Saw that one sa2 edit going around and found a pallet I like for them both! Also included my hcs for Shadow. He’s got a little biolizard in him.
2) ew haha!!
This now doubles as my pinned info/about me post! The info under the readmore!
Hi! I'm Minnie, or Nymona, a 23 year old disabled artist whose special interest and artistic muse is Shadow the hedgehog! Here's some general things about this specific blog for ya.
Tags: (some not included, these are the most all encompassing!)
Art tag: #baked art
Information tag: #aboutbaked
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Head-cannon tag: #bakedhc or #[insert character name here] headcannon
Rules for requests! (Note that there are a couple more situation-based stipulations than this, but these are the most all encompassing)
No nsfw!
Send requests via the ask box! If that's off, requests are closed! If you can ask, requests are open! I also enjoy just talking and sharing ideas/headcannons.
I may deny or ignore your request, and know that it's never personal. I just have a lot of anxiety about some things.
Preferably send requests with Shadow the Hedgehog included. (I do crossovers as well, but I am allowed to deny it!)
Up to 3 characters only, including Shadow's the hedgehog, unless it's a specific three character team (maybe I'll not do shadow on those but also maybe I will)
This blog is for fun. Requests are not commissions, and I am allowed to change things to best suit my comfort as I'd like to keep it fun for me and accessible for as many as possible.
Keep requests simple, that way we both get what we want out of the exchange!
I don't do multiple requests for the same person within the same time period, so I'd prefer if you don't send multiple requests in a row!
That was a lot! Haha. Bonus fact: I have agoraphobia that I'm very much trying to break free from (this is yet another recent attempt after 8 years of varied isolation in and out of an abusive relationship). My communication skills and comprehension can be quite bad due to this, so please just be kind, detailed, and patient.
Thank you! Enjoy!
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quinloki · 11 months ago
So I think we can all agree with southern Thatch?
What do you think anout the others any soecific accents you see in them? Something about integrating accents to a story just makes me flutter and im trying to integrate them more, but would they have any accents or specific slang? Or do you see the rest of the WBP having no accent?”
I saw what one fic had Marco say lass and hotta say that resonates, but I can’t really expand on just lass, what are your thoughts?
I see Marco with a bit of an islander vibe. Mixing and matching dialects prominent in port towns. I usually write him and Ace as having a tendency to slip in with some variant Spanish - specifically Puerto Rican.
I can 100% see Thatch has having a kind of Southern Farm Boy sound to his voice, but I've also seen him being a bit German too. Like Pops' crew has people from EVERYWHERE and I think years on the ship makes them all sound kind of similar (like a ship-wide accent), but they all have words from their places of origin that survive with them.
But that's just my head canon, and I'm not ride or die with it or anything. I love the idea of Good Ol' Southern Boy Thatch though, trust me. Hauling loads of hay and hoisting ranch visitors up onto horses like they weight nothing. I can see it.
Maybe he still calls someone he thinks cute mein törtchen, because no one fusses over the german words, but his boss gives him a look if he goes about calling guest my cupcake.
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gordon-freeman-phd · 1 month ago
thinking about something one of my older coworkers did as a young girl of about 12 living in rural south virginia, she and her siblings would put like some sort of tea (the dry mixture soecifically) in a literal corncob pipe and smoke it becuz it smelled like weed so they could pretend to be smoking real weed and also buy root beers at the rame time to pretend to be drinking real beer and they were doing this one time while her older sister of aboit 16 with a liscence were driving a little over the speed limit and got pulled over by a cop for it and thrn her and her you her brother were tasked to get the lregistration of their dads truck out of the glove compartment for the older sister and they found Real weed seeds and she said she was so affronted and couldnt bieve her dad wohld have real weed all while truing to hide this from the cop despite the fact she at the time was pretending to smoke weed and drink beer
anywaus all this to say i love learning about what my older coworkers childhoods were like becuz i can use it to develop my version of barney calhouns childhood
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thelovesickbakery · 6 months ago
name: francis
birthday: aug 17
age: 18
gender identity & pronouns: transmasc, they/he (they preferably but i tend to prefer masc terms so whatever is easiest to remember works)
sexuality: gay honoseaxual
i am (yandere/non-yandere): yandere??? maybe?? but a really chill one?? im just a bit delusional and clingy and annoying and have very few boundaries, and i forget most people aren't like thay and freak people out with how forward i can be sometimr. i also fixate and like to look into people im interesteg in. but i dont really get jealous, and i dont push boundaries when i learn of them. idk
looking for (friendship/romance): romants
looking for a (yandere/non-yandere): yandere? im not sure to what extent. id have to discuss it, i guess, get soecific examples. but i love being stalked. pleabe ❤️
thinking of a friend/romantic partner, i am looking for: someone as pathetic as me. i always seem to find people that just dont care as much about me as i do about them. also someone who is a yapper like me, and someone who lives in the us, preferably. (also i'm not a switch so i can't date a top sorrg. or someon who is asexual... maybe someone who is gray/demi, depending on boundaries...) i may have a type (soggy greasy emo boys) but i dont really care much abt looks
small details about myself (interests and love language, for example): i could yap all day but i will try to keep this short... i have more info on my carrd. like i said before, i am obsessive, clingy, anxious, and get lonely easily, so im probably annoying asf to anyone who doesnt also share those trauts. my love language is mostly physical touch. my interests are ever changing and tbh id try playing anything if i liked the person im playing with enough, but currently im into pkmn and splatoon. i also like doing puzzles, like picross/nonnograms and minesweeper, and i love cats and bugs. i have adhd, and have a need to know everything. even things i really dont want to know. i also either overreact or underreact, no inbetween. mostly underreact though
extra info: i like to do typos because i cannot take myself seriously. im trying to refrain here.... gh... also im afraid of dogs and kids/babies. mostly dogs. theyre unpredictable idk. i piss myself anytime a dog jumps on me. did i mention i am a coward? now you know.
contact information: i use insta the most but im not picky. my disc is gremful, my instagram is hornyballs73(yeah), my tiktok is thesoup73, and my twitter is eh72757527
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blossom-adventures · 1 year ago
For the Bad Things Bingo, I feel like Nightmares is a great prompt for Skyrim, because there is genuinely so much nightmare fuel in LDBs life? Fighting dragons, delving into undead infested tombs, being a centerpoint of brewing war... If nothing soecific, then the sheer amount of stuff just would end up in a nightmare fuel.
Also hay, hope you are doing well!
Hi! I am so so sorry it took so long to get around to posting this, things have been happening and my writing has had to take a backseat for a little while, but I am hoping that I can shift back into gear soon ☺️💙
For my @badthingshappenbingo prompt, Nightmares
This is a little teaser for the sequel to my Dragonborn story (it’s not got a title yet but I know what’s going to happen)
Visions of the Future
Ulfric stirred, he heard mumbling to his side, a regular occurrence now that he shared his bed with the Dragonborn, he turned his head slowly to look at Jaina, her eyes were still shut, and she was moving slightly, as if she was waving something away, she was clearly having a nightmare. Ulfric pushed up so he was leaning on his elbow, he reached over and gave her shoulder a light shake
“Jaina, love, wake up” Jaina sat up in bed, letting out a half gasp, half sob as she realised where she was, Ulfric moved his hand away as she calmed down
“Ulfric?” Jaina shifted so she was sitting up in bed, hugging her knees close to her chest, Ulfric moved up the bed too and wrapped his arm around her shoulders
“You’re safe, love, I’m here” Ulfric whispered as he leant closer to her, Jaina was trembling in his grip, “do you want to talk about it at all?” Jaina melted into his embrace, “was it Alec again?” She shook her head
“I… I was in a strange place… the sky was green and the water was black and as thick as honey… I… I was with someone, but he was wearing an odd mask, I couldn’t see his face”
“What happened?”
“Something grabbed me, it pulled me into the water, the man in the mask, he tried to get me out… but he couldn’t reach me, I was getting dragged deeper, and I couldn’t breathe.” Jaina started to cry, “I was so scared, Ulfric” Ulfric pulled her into his lap, allowing her to rest her head on his shoulder, “it felt so real” her voice was quiet now as she continued to cry.
“And this wasn’t a place you knew?” Ulfric asked
“No… the realms of Oblivion I’ve had the misfortune of seeing never had green skies, I’ve seen red, purple and grey, but never green” Ulfric kissed the top of her head
“Jaina, this was a nightmare, nothing more”
“But all my nightmares have been places I knew, memories, things that haunt me from my past, this place… it was unknown to me, and the man in the mask? Who was he?”
“Did the man say anything?” Jaina thought for a moment, Ulfric could tell she was trying to recall the nightmare
“He… I think he called out to me, he was trapped there, he was so… sad… but then scared when I got dragged into the water” Jaina fell silent for a while, Ulfric could feel her starting to relax into his arms a little more, her breathing was also starting to even out too “Ulfric?”
“Yes, love?”
“What if my nightmare was a dream of the future? What if this is going to happen to me soon?” Ulfric’s arms tightened around her and he tucked her head under his chin.
“Jaina, my love, if you have somehow managed to foresee the future, then I am certain you will face whatever this is with the same bravery and power you’ve faced everything else with” Jaina curled up, as close to Ulfric’s chest as she could get and let out a long, trembling sigh “Rest, Jaina, you’re safe here”
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pinkpinkmermayyy · 1 year ago
Good evening/night/morning timezonesss 💀
-So, I'm in the process of drawing Nadia, and since she's desi, are there any specific colors/outfits you do NOT want her in?
-and are the desi outfits on pinterest good references? Or no?
Honestly it really doesn’t matter lolol, you can put her in whatever! :))
also most of them are like blurry “aesthetic” pics so you might have to be more soecific with your search to get good results. Other than that, Pinterest is good too!!
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